Texoma Film Club Horror/Comedy Series

Mar 31, 2022
6:00 pm
Ivanhoe Ale Works
220 W. Main St. | Denison TX, 75020
Presented by the Denison Arts Council, Texoma Film Club is about getting movie buffs together to celebrate Note Worthy Movies. This weeks movie dates to 1988 and is rated PG. The movie is a Tim Burton creation. The story line involves a recently deceased couple who summon Betelgeuse, a nasty poltergeist, to help them get rid of the humans who have moved into their home. There will be a short talk prior to the movie about little known facts and behind the scenes events. Following the movie will be an audience participation discussion. Admission is free; Food, Wine & Beer are available for purchase. The month of March 2022 will be Horror/Comedy Movies. |