Denison on Ice

Nov 19, 2022 to Jan 1, 2023
1:00 pm - 9:00 pm
530 W Main St | Denison TX, 75020
Price Varies
Denison’s Premiere Holiday Ice Skating Covered Outdoor Ice Rink
November 19, 2022 – January 1, 2023
The City of Denison hopes you will share our excitement for one of our favorite events to be held throughout this coming holiday season. The outdoor holiday ice skating rink will return to Downtown Denison (530 W. Main Street) and it will be available for our citizens and tourists alike.
The rink will be open November through January. The setup includes a seasonal outdoor ice rink with a canopy top covering in Downtown Denison. We welcome skaters throughout the region to our venue, and our local businesses offer a unique holiday shopping experience to top off your holiday excursion. With the covering over the rink, the rink is open rain or shine and will only close as a safety precaution if lightning is detected within a 10-mile radius of the structure.
For more information, call 903-465-2720. Check the Denison Parks and Rec facebook page for special activities, promotions and weather closures.